
Explore the solution ressources, supplied by the nine project partners, in the LEAKman information repository. Here you can find various materials such as white papers, reports and slides available for download.

LEAKman - Publications

LEAKman final report brief

The LEAKman concept aims to demonstrate how different technologies can effectively control water loss in drinking water distribution networks. The concept is a collaboration between nine Danish companies and institutions, each of which have contributed with solutions and knowledge within their area of expertise in NRW management.

The partners have established two state-of-the-art demonstration projects in Denmark, in cooperation with the Danish water utilities Novafos and HOFOR, as well as a facility for demonstrating pressure optimization at the utility of Frederiksberg. The demonstration projects can showcase a water loss solution with full integration of intelligent pumps, valves, meters, sensors, data systems, hydraulic models and management information systems. They can also demonstrate state-of-the-art data collection for asset management in drinking water supply systems. 

The final report describes the technology development, technology demonstration, knowledge building and competence dissemination that have been carried out in the initial project. It also presents the conclusions and perspectives for the participating companies, the water sector and the environment. The main findings of the project are as follows: 

  • The LEAKman solution has reduced water loss by 20-30% in the demonstration areas, as well as improved pressure management, energy efficiency and carbon footprint. 
  • The LEAKman solution has increased the data quality and availability for the water utilities, enabling better decision making and planning. 
  • The LEAKman solution has generated new knowledge and competencies for the water sector, through research, communication and dissemination activities. 

The report concludes that the LEAKman project has created a unique Danish water loss solution that can be adapted to different contexts and markets, and demonstrates the benefits of collaboration and integration of technologies for water loss control and management.  
